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The Pioneer Pecan Pie (No Corn Syrup) is one of the best pecan pies the world has ever seen! It is absolutely delicious and one of the amazing things about it is that it has none of the cloying stickiness that many people complain about after a couple of slices of normal pecan pie!

Well, that’s because there is No Corn Syrup!

This wonderfully delectable Pioneer Pecan Pie recipe requires absolutely no corn syrup in its making. It kinda demonstrates how overrated corn syrup is in many pies, which is good news for people with corn allergy.

Another thing is that the Pioneer Pecan Pie also requires none of the usual corn syrup substitutes like molasses or maple syrup, another good thing guiding against that cloying factor.

Also, weight watchers will be interested to know that this Pioneer Pecan Pie recipe contains an estimated 401 calories, total fat of 28g, with 10g being saturated, cholesterol of 77mg, carbs of 36g, fiber of 2g and protein of 4g; per serving.


All you’ll need in order to recreate this special Pioneer Pecan Pie in the comfort of your own kitchen by way of equipment are:

An oven
(You can’t make this pie, if you plan on following this recipe properly, without an oven, a temperature-regulated one at that.)
A baking pan/pie dish(about 12-13 inch)
A mixer (Preferably automated for the filling, and if you want; the dough)
Cooking spray and/or parchment paper.
For the sake of being thorough, you’ll also need the following:

Measuring cups
Bowls (a number of them) and;
Oven mitts


You’ll need the following ingredients for this Pioneer Pecan Pie (No Corn Syrup) recipe:

1 pie crust, homemade or store-bought (plus extra dough for decorating, optional)
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted and browned (optional)
3 large eggs
1 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 1/2 tablespoons heavy cream
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups pecans, plus extra for garnish
One important thing to note is that these ingredients (in the above stated quantities) are only good for about eight (8) servings of Pioneer Pecan Pie. To make more (or less), you’ll have to tweak the recipe, which is easy. However, we are well are that things can get very tricky very fast in the kitchen, particularly if it’s your first time recreating this recipe, so if you run into any snags (but preferably before disaster strikes) you can consult us by leaving a message in the comments section of this page and we’ll be sure to get back to you!


There is a little recommendation we like to give at the start of our recipes which is, tidy up your counter tops and clear away the clutter (if you have any). Not only will it give you free range of movement and help with hygiene, it will assist in providing exactly the right kind of aesthetics that frees your mind and gets you into the mood for baking (or cooking). You, know what else? You can go ahead and turn on some music, pour yourself a cool glass of wine or something cold. Get comfortable. You’ve got this!

Preheat oven to 375º F
(You’re preheating because you are baking pie. One of the most common cakes and pie fails happens when you don’t preheat your oven. It’s when the cake/pie is all crusty and done on the outside but it’s nowhere near done on the inside. So, this is an important step you cannot afford to skip.)

Roll out pie crust to a 12 or 13-inch circle, big enough to fit a springform pan or tart or pie dish.
Gently place dough in pan, pressing into the bottom and sides of pan and trimming excess.

(Before you do this actually, you need to line the pan with something. Simple greasing would and should do, in order to avoid sticking, if you’re into that kind of thing, and you don’t like to spend quality time trying to get you pans clean after you’re through with the pie. Some people like to use parchment paper, though I wouldn’t personally recommend that for Pioneer Pecan Pie, or any kind of pie, really. But another thing that works in order to avoid – or more precisely, to mitigate – such sticky situations, is cooking spray. So, go ahead and grease up that pie dish or/and spray it up with cooking spray to prevent excessive stickiness!)

Optional: cut out pie dough flowers or other designs to decorate crust later.
(This is all part of the aesthetics. Often, it’s not enough for food to just taste good. It might have to look good too. Of course, even if you don’t decorate it, the Pioneer Pecan Pie is still going to look mouthwatering, but you might want to put it on Instagram or something; in which case we actually demand that you decorate it, and maybe give us a mention for this amazing recipe.)

Place pie dish in fridge until ready to fill.
For the filling- In a large bowl, beat eggs until foamy and fluffy, then beat in browned butter.
Once combined, beat in brown and white sugar until sugar granules are dissolved

(That mixer would definitely come in handy here. It’ll make it faster too, and you won’t have to expend so much effort on this.)

Sprinkle in flour, cinnamon and salt, then stir in heavy cream and vanilla extract.

Once fully incorporated, fold in pecans, then pour mixture into pie crust.

Decorate pie crust with any pecans or cut outs you made earlier.
(We advise you to get creative here, especially since you’ll be giving us a mention.)

Place pie pan in oven and bake for 40-50 minutes, or until center is just set and no longer jiggly.
Remove from oven and let cool completely before serving.
Dig in and enjoy!
(Remember, it serves only eight (8)!)

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